Manage Organization
Statistics, analytics and managing your organization.
How can I see an admin view of statistics across my organization?
While most Avochato analytics within an account inbox can be found under the “Analytics” tab, organizations who have multiple inboxes may use the “Manage Organization” panel to view users, accounts, and usage across inboxes.
Users with “Owner” roles have access to the “Manage Organization” panel.
An Owner within Avochato can promote users in the Manager role to have access to Manage Organization. Go to Invite Users → Actions → Enable Organization Management

Understanding the Manage Organization Panel
Once you have accessed the Manage Organization panel, the dashboard shows you an overview of organization plan details, user summary, and accounts summary. Along the lefthand side there are several other tabs you can navigate to within the Manage Organization panel for insight into organization-wide analytics. These include:
- Accounts
- Numbers
- Broadcasts
- Users
- Reports
- Bulk Actions
The default view of the Manage Organization panel is the Accounts tab. At the top there is an Organization Snapshot, which provides details about your current plan and seats. Below there is a total of User across all accounts within your organization. The Account Summary table displays Subdomain, Active Status, Current Phone number, Number of Users, Latest Activity, and Account Creation Date.
The numbers section on the Organizations dashboard lists all of your Organization’s Avochato Numbers across all your accounts.

Filter by Account: You can filter the list by Account, and search by phone number or area code to locate which inbox a particular Avochato Number you own lives in.
The Broadcasts tab displays a table of broadcasts sent throughout the entire organization, ordered chronologically. Clicking the Broadcast ID will route you to that particular broadcast page as long as you are a user within that inbox.
Displays a list of all users. You can filter the Users table by role or account. By default, we list users across all accounts and any role.

Note: There is a Download button on the Users list to download a .csv file of the filtered list of users, based on the selected role or search criteria.
After clicking on a user name, the accounts the user belongs to and their permission level is displayed.
User Settings and How To Delete User: Admins can edit user’s settings by clicking the User name and then “Edit.”

Next, a user can be removed from your entire organization on the “Edit” user page by clicking the Remove User button.

The reports tab displays a list of each account in your organization with usage statistics for each. At the top of the page you can adjust time filters and click “Update” to check usage over different periods.
Bulk Actions
Bulk Actions allow you to copy data and account settings from one account to another. At this time you can copy Templates, Keywords, Surveys, and Campaigns from one account to another. More information on Bulk Actions found here