Navigation Hotkeys
Navigate through your inbox with convenient keyboard shortcuts
To enable Navigation Hotkeys, click your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the page and select “Edit Profile.” Alternatively, visit while logged into your Avochato account. Check the “Enable Navigation Hotkeys” box and click “Save” to enable Navigation Hotkeys.

Navigation Hotkeys
These hotkeys only apply if you have the "Navigation Hotkeys" feature enabled in your profile as shown above.
This is a separate flag from the legacy “Templates Hotkeys” feature, and defaults to “off” for new and existing users.
While viewing the inbox (wide, compact, or classic)
These hotkeys can all be used while viewing the inbox and while in a conversation.
They don’t work while the chat box or other text input fields are focused.
1-9 | Switch to conversation 1...9, starting from the top of the inbox. |
` (backtick) | Reopen the conversation you just escaped, or navigate backwards through previous open conversations. |
Esc | Dismiss the active conversation. While using the search bar, clears and unfocuses the search. |
C | Chat (opens the "new convo" popup) |
F | Filters menu opens or closes. All items in the filters many can be menu can be selected using the tab key, and manipulated using the space key. |
Alt+F | Apply Filters |
Shift+Alt+F | Clear Filters |
J / K | Move up or down the inbox list, from your current conversation. |
Ctrl+J / Ctrl+K | Move up or down the inbox list in increments of ten, from your current conversation. |
P | Pause or unpause the live inbox |
R | Refresh the inbox convo list, retaining any current active filters |
U | Unfilter the inbox, removing all active filters |
/ | Focus the search bar |
While viewing a conversation
These hotkeys can be used while you view a conversation. Inbox hotkeys still apply.