
Configure settings for how you interact with the inbox chat field

The Avochato Chatbox has several settings to make your chat experience easy:

Enable hotkeys for inserting templates while typing in the Chatbox

This feature is particularly useful if you frequently use a template. Once you've created a template and assigned a keyboard shortcut, you can quickly insert it into the chatbox. In the example shown, pressing "Shift" and "1" simultaneously will instantly insert the template message into the chatbox.

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Pre-populate and Stylize any custom variables typed into the Chatbox

Enabling this will show a menu when you type the shortcut for custom variables “$”. Pressing tab will auto-complete the custom variable.

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Enable Spellcheck in the Chatbox

Avochato’s built-in spell checker will redline all mistakes in your messages.

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Enable “Unsend Messages” in the Chatbox

Turning this ON will add a delay of 4 seconds before your message is sent. Within this time, you can click the “Undo” button to delete the message.

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Enable QuickChat

Depending on the the selected QuickChat emoji, pressing the send button will pre-populate the chatbox with that emoji. Pressing the send button again will send the emoji to your recipient.

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