List View Broadcasting
How to use Avochato Broadcasting for mass messaging on Salesforce List Views
A. What is it?
List View Broadcasting allows Salesforce users to send mass Avochato messages to people selected in Salesforce Contact and Lead List Views. This gives Avochato customers the ability to mass messaging people based on the filtering capabilities of List Views based on Salesforce data.
B. How to set it up
Ensure Avochato Credentials have been setup
In order to use Avochato Broadcasting on List Views, you must setup your Avochato API Credentials first. Setup API credentials with one or more users using the Avochato API Credentials Datatable.
Setup and enable Avochato Broadcast button on List View page
Take the following steps in order to setup mass messaging via Avochato Broadcasts to List View records. We’ll use the Lead object for this setup, and the same steps can be applied for setting up the Contact Avochato Broadcast button.
Lead object setup
1. Ensure default Avochato API Credentials have been setup, as specified in Section IV.A and IV.B above
2. Go to Setup → Object Manager → Lead → Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic
3. Within the List View layout, click the Edit action

4. In the Custom Buttons section, add the Avochato Broadcast to the Selected Buttons list

5. Click Save
Contact object setup
Repeat the same steps above for the Contact object in order to enable Avochato Broadcasting on Contact List Views.
C. How to use it?
Avochato Broadcasting in List Views
1. Go into your normal Salesforce app, and go to the Leads tab
2. Select a list view that will serve as the audience to send messages to
3. From within the list view, checkmark the records you’d like to send an Avochato message to, then click on the Avochato Broadcast button (which may live in the additional buttons dropdown list on the far right of the list view button options)

4. From within the Avochato Broadcast page, you will see a datatable on the left that shows you a sample of the records you will send a message to, as well as how many people have opted out and how many will actually be sent messages
5. On the right side of the page, you can enter a Broadcast Name for internal tracking purposes, as well as the message you’d like to broadcast to all the selected people on the list view
🚀 You can use any Avochato merge fields (which start with the $
character), so that you can include contact information dynamically (like $FIRST_NAME
) or even kick off a templated message ($template_product_info
) or Avochato survey ($survey_favorite_ice_cream

- You can always see all the details and messaging stats of the broadcast by click on the Broadcasts sidebar option in the main Avochato Inbox view

6. Click the Prepare Broadcast button to setup the broadcast. The Avochato servers prep the broadcast to ensure duplicate phone numbers only get one message.
7. Once the preparation is complete, you can either deliver the broadcast immediately, or schedule it for a future time to be sent. Once you select your option, click the Publish button to send/schedule your broadcast

8. Done! You should see a brief success message on the page, and then will be redirected to the List View that started this broadcast.
D. Advanced Features
1. List View Broadcasting on other Salesforce objects
Have a custom object or other standard object list view that you would like to send a broadcast? See detailed instructions on the any object list view broadcasting setup guide to get configured.
2. List View Broadcasting User-specific Avochato Inbox choices
The default API credential that was setup in step B.1 above determines which Avochato Inboxes are available for using within List View Broadcasting:

If you have multiple Avochato Inboxes, and only want to show inboxes that are specific to the logged in Salesforce user (i.e. the inboxes that its corresponding Avochato user has access to), you can setup Avochato API credentials for each Avochato User/Salesforce User, and only the specific inboxes relevant to the user will be shown:

Follow these instructions to setup your user specific Avochato API credentials
3. List View Broadcasting to large audiences
You can select up to 200 specific records from the list view to pin-point message those contacts.
Have more than 200 contacts to message? You can message up to 2000 in a broadcast all within the Salesforce UI.
Have more than 2000 contacts to message? You can prep up to 50000 records from a list view, but need to switch over to the Avochato UI to publish the broadcast. Note for large audiences, it can take several minutes until the prep has been finished on the broadcast.