Avochato for Salesforce - Data Syncing & Custom Object Support
What happens next after hitting connect production/sandbox and how does sync works and available configuration options.
So you've clicked that "Connect Production" or "Connect Sandbox" button on the Integrations page - congrats!
But how does the sync work and what are my configuration options? Read on to see how Avochato for Salesforce syncs your data, and some nifty configuration options you have at your fingertips.

Data Sync - Default Behavior
The default behavior of the two-way syncing between Avochato and Salesforce is to track Conversations and Contact information created or edited in Avochato and sync data (including PII) to Lead and Contact records in Salesforce. Additionally, any activities (including inbound and outbound calls, texts, and notes) will be appended as Closed Tasks to the Lead or Contact.
Note: All Salesforce Settings in Avochato are Avochato-account specific. This means Salesforce Settings customization made in one Avochato account must be duplicated across other Avochato accounts that are also integrated with your Salesforce instance in order to all behave the same way.
This flexibility allows different Avochato accounts to be used to interact in different ways with the same Salesforce instance (for example, an Avochato account configured for a Marketing use-case versus another Avochato account configured for a Customer Support use-case), but keep in mind that creating new Avochato accounts will always begin with the default Salesforce Settings (settings can be managed by logging into a given Avochato account and navigating to Integrations > Salesforce> Salesforce Settings.)
Record Detection & Syncing
Leads or Contact records in Salesforce are identified using the MobilePhone or Phone field on the record that matches the Avochato Contact's Phone field.
An identified custom Avochato Contact will always have a link to the record including the Object type in Salesforce when viewing the Contact record in Avochato. Once a specific record in Salesforce is identified by Avochato, Avochato will continue to sync Contact and Activity data to that specific identified record indefinitely.
Custom Object Syncing
The default identification behavior can be augmented so that Contact Info and Activities will attempt to sync to instead of Leads or Contacts, any Object (or CustomObject) which meets all of following criteria:
- The Object has to have a Phone-type field, custom or otherwise. We use this to match Avochato Contacts with Salesforce records and prevent creating duplicates, as well as thread conversations together.

- It has to be set to Searchable so our API can access it
(Setup > Object Manager > Edit, under Search Status click Allow Search)

- It has to "Allow Activity Tracking"
(Setup > Object Manager > Edit, under Optional Features click "Allow Activity")

- It has to "Enable Feed Tracking"
(Platform tools > Feature Settings > Feed Tracking > Find the object, click "Enable Feed Tracking" at the bottom of the record, Save)

All Object Types which meet these criteria will appear as options in the Sync Avochato Activity to a Custom Object dropdown.
To change the Object to sync data and activity:
- Log into Avochato
- Navigate to Integrations > Salesforce > Salesforce Settings
- View the "Sync Avochato Activity to a Custom Object" section and click the dropdown listing "Default"
- Select the Salesforce object you wish to sync Contact info and Conversations to

By changing from "Default" to a different object, any existing identified objects will continue syncing, and all unidentified or new records will sync to the newly specified object.
Detection using alternative Phone Fields
Once you have saved the new Object Type to sync to, you will notice a new "Customize Object Phone Field" field appear for the Phone field to use to look up records.
This will list all searchable Phone type fields that exist on the object. Pick the phone field you wish to use from. For example, we have created a custom AvoCustomer Object, which has a CustomPhoneNumber__c field

If a custom field you want to use doesn't appear above, make sure that it is searchable (see criteria #1 and #2 in Custom Object syncing above)
Note that only one object type and one phone field can be specified at a time. You cannot "split" syncing contact info and conversations to multiple record types at this time, or specify different types of phone fields for the same record type.
Automatic Record Creation
Avochato can create new records in a Salesforce instance when no matching record can be found. Automatic record creation is enabled by default, but can be disabled on a per-account basis. To toggle automatic record creation:
- Log into Avochato
- Navigate to Integrations > Salesforce > Salesforce Settings
- View the "Create Salesforce Objects for missing Contacts" section

4. Toggle the green switch "off"5. Hit Save
Automatic Field Syncing
By default, once Avochato has identified a match between an Avochato Contact and a record in Salesforce, we will attempt to sync the values of each of any matching fields between the record.
This includes all Custom Fields created in Avochato which have explicitly been mapped to a field.
Note: Avochato will not overwrite any existing populated values for the FirstName, LastName, Phone, MobilePhone, Company, Email and Rating fields. We will only populate these fields if they are empty in Salesforce but contain a value in Avochato for the matching Contact.
For example, if you edit a Contact's email field in Avochato and click Save, Avochato will automatically update the email of that matching record in Salesforce if and only if the record exists and the email field is empty.
Link Custom Fields in Avochato to Fields in Salesforce
To map a Custom Field in Avochato to a field in Salesforce, go to Settings > Custom Fields > Find or create a new Custom Field and set the Salesforce key to the name of the field in Salesforce (ex: MyCustomField__c)

⚠️ We will attempt to overwrite any mapped Custom fields while syncing.
For example, if you create a custom field in Avochato called "Favorite Food", and set the Salesforce Field to "FavoriteFood__c", any time you update a Contact's Favorite Food to "Avocado Toast", it will automatically sync to the matching Salesforce record's FavoriteFood__c field. If you later change the field to "Hamburgers", it will overwrite the FavoriteFood__c field.
Toggle Field Syncing
To disable this behavior and prevent writing any data to the identified Record's fields, toggle "Sync updates to Object Fields" off and click Save

Advanced field syncing
We have fields built into our managed package that automatically sync to certain Salesforce records, showing context about the Avochato contact and conversation. See full customization options to explore how to get more contextual field data synced into your Salesforce records.