Messaging Service

What is a messaging service and how does it benefit high volume sending speed and deliverability.

Within your Avochato account, you may have one or multiple inboxes. A messaging service allows an individual inbox to have multiple phone numbers. Depending on how you use Avochato, a messaging service may benefit you in a number of ways.

Benefits of a Messaging Service:

  • Quicker sending speed for higher volume
    • Messages will be spread out across all of the numbers within the messaging service resulting in faster delivery speed.
  • Better deliverability
    • When you send messages at a high volume (especially at one time), this increases your risk of getting filtered by a carrier. A messaging service will balance the message volume to decrease your filtering risk.
  • Custom opt-out and opt-in language
    • With a messaging service, you can create custom opt-out and opt-in keywords and custom auto-responses. This will create more brand awareness when interacting with your customers.
  • Area code match
    • When sending messages to the United States and Canada, the Area Code match feature selects a local phone number with an area code that either matches or is an overlay of your contact's phone number.
  • Sticky Sender
    • When a contact receives a message from one of the messaging service numbers, they will be 'stuck' to the number going forward.

What are the differences between a messaging service and the default experience?

The messaging experience in your inbox would actually be the same. Your contacts may be messaging with a different phone number that they identify as your business but nothing will change on your end. You can see which number a contact is stuck to by visiting the Logs tab or by going to that individual's contact page.

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If you think a messaging service makes sense for your use case, please send us a text at 415-214-8977 to discuss.

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